Local Mute Swans


Place: Cosmeston Lakes, Penarth
Date: 14 April 2018.

Place: Tredegar House, west of Newport
Date: 11 May 2018.

Place: Cardiff Bay, Cardiff
Date: 21 July 2018.

Place: Roath Park Lake, Cardiff
Date: 10 November 2018.

Place: Glamorganshire Canal, Forest Farm, Cardiff
Date: 22 October 2019.

[Cygnus olor, Family Anatidae, Order Anseriformes, Wikipedia Entry: Mute swan]

The sound of the mute swan (borrowed from the Xeno-Canto website, recordist Fraser Simpson)

Distribution and sightings of the mute swan across the British Isles (borrowed and modified from the Bird Atlas Mapstore).

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