Blue Tits

Passeriformes #1

Place: Fishlake Meadows Nature Reserve, Romsey, Hampshire
Date: 18 November 2021.

Place: Hardy’s Cottage, Dorchester, Dorset
Date: 8 March 2023.

Place: Berrington Hall, Herefordshire
Date: 3 April 2023.

Place: Bird Hide #2, Forest Farm, Cardiff
Date: 11 March 2024.

Place: Barge Canal, Fishlake Meadows Nature Reserve, Romsey, Hampshire
Date: 20 April 2024.

[Cyanistes caeruleus, Family Paridae, Order Passeriformes, Wikipedia Entry: Eurasian blue tit]

The sound of the blue tit (borrowed from the Xeno-Canto website, recordist Stein Ø. Nilsen)

Distribution and sightings of the blue tit across the British Isles (borrowed and modified from the Bird Atlas Mapstore).
Distribution and sightings of the blue tit across the British Isles