Western Rock Nuthatch

Passeriformes #2

Place: Acrokorinth, Corinthia, Greece
Date: 30 August 2019.

Place: Larissa Castle, Argos, Argolis, Greece
Date: 1 September 2019.

Place: Ancient Mycenae, Argolis, Greece
Date: 2 September 2019.

Place: Mystras (lower part), Laconia, Greece
Date: 4 September 2019.

Place: Monemvasia, Laconia, Greece
Date: 6 September 2019.

[Sitta neumayer, Family Sittidae, Order Passeriformes, Wikipedia Entry: Western rock nuthatch]

The sound of the Western rock nuthatch (borrowed from the Xeno-Canto website, recordist Ruud van Beusekom)