Juvenile Barn Swallows

Passeriformes #1

Place: Cardoness Castle, Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland
Date: 27 June 2019.

Place: Hillier Gardens, Romsey, Hampshire
Date: 7 July 2020.

Place: Kennet & Avon canal near Crofton, Wiltshire
Date: 9 August 2020.

[Hirundo rustica, Family Hirundinidae, Order Passeriformes, Wikipedia Entry: Barn swallow]

The sound of the barn swallow (borrowed from the Xeno-Canto website, recordist Tomas Belka)

Distribution and sightings of the barn swallow across the British Isles (borrowed and modified from the Bird Atlas Mapstore).
Distribution and sightings of the barn swallow across the British Isles