Marsh Harriers in the Somerset Levels


Place: Avalon hide, Ham Wall, Somerset Levels
Date: 23 February 2020.

Place: Tower Hide, Shapwick Heath, Somerset Levels
Date: 23 February 2020.

Place: 70 Acres Hide, Shapwick Heath, Somerset Levels
Date: 23 February 2020.

[Circus aeruginosus, Family Accipitridae, Order Accipitriformes, Wikipedia Entry: Western marsh harrier]

The sound of the marsh harrier (borrowed from the Xeno-Canto website, recordist Patrik Åberg)

Distribution and sightings of the marsh harrier across the British Isles (borrowed and modified from the Bird Atlas Mapstore).
Distribution and sightings of the marsh harrier across the British Isles

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